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Cipher: 04120100

Qualification: 4S04120103 – Bank Operations Manager

Who is a bank manager?

The bank manager manages the finances. In their eyes, money is not just a certain amount in a bank account, but a resource to be properly managed. They deal with monetary transactions of varying complexity and volume, manage capital, and regulate financing of projects. This is a person who helps an organization, a company or even a private person to properly manage money.

What skills does a qualified manager have?

People with a high level of understanding of mathematical disciplines can become successful experts in this field. They must also have an analytical mind, a good memory and the ability to analyze the information received.

Do you want to learn the banking industry and be the best at it?

College of Caspian University trains specialists in «Banking and Insurance» in accordance with modern standards and market laws!

Language of instruction:

  • Kazakh
  • Russian

Duration of training:

  • After grade 9 – 2 years and 10 months
  • After grade 11 – 1 year and 10 months